Franco-German Youth Office (FGYO)
What is the Franco-German Youth Office?
The Franco-German Youth Office (FGYO) is an international organization dedicated to Franco-German friendship. Its mission is to bring young people from both countries closer together and strengthen mutual understanding.
It was founded in 1963, the year in which the Élysée Treaty was signed, sealing the Franco-German friendship.
What does the FGYO do?
The FGYO supports youth exchange projects between France and Germany in a variety of ways:
• school and university exchanges ​
• twinning and regional partnerships ​
• sports and cultural events focusing on theater, music or environmental protection ;​
• language courses ​
• internships and professional exchanges ​
• scholarships for professional seminars and research projects
Working according to the principle of subsidiarity, the FGYO cooperates with a large number of partners, institutions and project promoters. Its mission is to:
• to intensify Franco-German cooperation ​
• promote intercultural learning ​
• impart key skills for Europe ​
• awaken interest in the partner's language ​
• strengthen youth participation ​
• facilitate access to mobility programs for all young people ​
• involve other countries in the experiences gained through Franco-German youth exchanges, remembrance work and peace education.
These objectives are the basis for a number of principles governing the activities and subsidies of the FGYO. It is particularly important that exchange projects are based on reciprocity and benefit from pedagogical support.