ESF+ intermediary organization
The European Social Fund Plus (ESF+) brings together several funds of the European economic, social and territorial cohesion policy for the period 2021-2027. By integrating the former European Social Fund, the Youth Employment Initiative, FEAD and EaSI, it aims to promote the employment, integration and reintegration into the labour market of the most vulnerable populations.
The main objective of the ESF+ is to support the employment of young people, long-term job seekers and inactive persons by promoting education, training and self-employment. It places particular emphasis on economic transitions and skills related to environmental and digital issues, while combating social exclusion, poverty and ensuring access to basic rights and services. Ultimately, it contributes to strengthening social and territorial cohesion within the European Union by supporting the most vulnerable populations and promoting their sustainable integration into the labour market.
Europe en Hainaut benefits from a delegation of the state, to lead in support of PLIE of Hainaut, the redistribution of FSE+ from the National Programme 2021-2027 - Priority 1, towards local projects contributing to social inclusion and the socio-professional integration of people living in or at risk of poverty.
Our calls for projects
Who is it for?
Local authorities, associations, social enterprises, network heads, all players involved in social and professional inclusion, etc.
What mechanisms?
• Local integration and employment policies
• Inclusion through economic activity
• Inclusion/ Social cohesion
Call for projects 2024-2025 :
Call for projects 2022-2023 :
We support you
Our team will provide you with all the information you need on the objectives of our calls for projects, and will help you put together and monitor your ESF+ application.
GIP Europe en Hainaut runs training workshops dedicated to understanding the ESF+, project management techniques and follow-up of an ESF grant application.
These workshops are intended for project leaders from both districts with an ESF+ agreement in progress or wishing to apply for FSE+ funding through the GIP Europe in Hainaut.
The concept is to capitalise, in a maximum of 3 hours per theme, on the essential knowledge and information necessary for an adapted and secure management of FSE+. These workshops allow a real optimization of the quality of the files of follow-up of project leaders.
The GIP Europe en Hainaut team is also available to help project leaders submit and manage their ESF applications, through individual meetings.
Our experts are at your service
PLIE (Local Integration and Employment Plans)
The local plans for integration and employment (PLIE) also provide engineering support for the development of local projects in line with their strategies and objectives in the Hainaut region.
Insertion Department Manager
PLIE Area Manager
Employment Integration Department Manager