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Enfants allant à l'école

           (Middle and high school)


The Erasmus+ programme offers a variety of mobility schemes for schools


Simplified partnerships:

Exchange of innovative educational practices between European countries (duration from 6 months to 2 years)



Student mobility:

Students can spend a period of time in one of the 33 countries participating in the programme (duration from 2 days to 1 year)

Mobility for school education staff: 

Arrange visits to a programme country, where the objective is to acquire new skills and knowledge, methods and tools.    


Franco-German exchange programmes which allow you to discover the school system, family and daily life and culture of the other country


Voltaire Programme or Brigitte Sauzay


Students of 4th, 3rd, 2nd or 1st



Brigitte Sauzay programme: 6 months (3 months in Germany and reception of the correspondent for 3 months).

Voltaire Programme: 1 year (6 months in Germany and reception of the correspondent for 6 months.)

Erasmus +













You want to allow your students to study or work in Europe:

Student mobility programmes: students can go, alone or in a group, to spend between 2 days and 1 year in one of the 33 countries participating in the programme.

These mobilities are of two types:​

•  individual, to study or work as an intern at a partner school in Europe​

•  in a group of students, to allow the educational teams and students to work together on a common theme and meet in a school.



You want to enable the staff (teachers, administrative and technical) of your institution to train, discover new pedagogical practices or teach in Europe:

Mobility programmes for school education staff: organising visits to a programme country, the aim of which is to acquire new skills and knowledge, methods and tools.


•  Periods of observation of educational practices (2 to 60 days), teaching assignments (2 to 365 days) or courses and training (2 to 30 days) for all teaching and non-teaching staff;​

•  Host a European expert to provide training within your organization (2-60 days);

•  Host a teacher/educator in training to complete an internship at your organization (10 to 365 days).




Simplified partnerships: Simplified partnership projects allow for exchange of practices and peer learning to support the development, transfer and/or implementation of innovative educational approaches, the benefits of target audiences in the school education sectors

Simplified partnership projects are characterized by a duration of between 6 months and 2 years, two levels of lump-sum grants and simplified budget construction requirements.

You want to promote a dynamic of European cooperation in your school:

Franco-German Office for Youth

Brigitte Sauzay Exchange Program:

For the fourth grade students, third, second or first German language learner for at least two years the OFAJ runs a 6-month student exchange programme during which the French student moves to Germany for 3 months in the family of the correspondent and then takes him on for 3 months in his family the correspondent. This allows you to discover the school system, family and daily life and culture of the other country. It also offers them the opportunity to improve their knowledge of the partner’s language.




Voltaire Exchange Programme:

The Voltaire programme is an individual exchange programme for students in the third and second years of school. For 6 months, the students go to live with a host family, take classes in a school and discover everyday life in Germany. Then, they welcome their correspondent from Germany, again for 6 months to make discover France to the German students.

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