I am a teacher
(all levels)
Mobility programs: Education, internships or training
Erasmus+ mobility programs for school education staff enable them to organize stays in a country participating in the program, with the aim of acquiring new skills and knowledge, methods and tools.
From 2 days to 1 year, depending on the mobility program chosen
Remuneration :
Erasmus+ grant, this is a contribution; it is not intended to cover all project costs.
Contribution :
transportation and living expenses (varies according to distance and country)
This program, coordinated by the Franco-German Youth Office (FGYO), is aimed at primary school teachers with at least two years' seniority at the time of taking up a post in Germany.
One school year, renewable once.
Teachers remain in active employment and are paid for their current positions.
Experience a prolonged immersion in a neighboring country that will enrich your professional career.
The Jules Verne program offers teachers the chance to take part in an international mobility program as part of a bilateral educational cooperation project.
One school year, renewable, after authorization, twice
Teachers continue to receive the remuneration and allowances associated with their corps and grade. Additional remuneration or assistance in kind may be granted by the host country.
Transport costs are the responsibility of the employee. The employee is responsible for finding his or her own accommodation.
Erasmus +
Erasmus+ mobility for school education staff enables them to organize stays in a country participating in the program, in order to acquire new skills, knowledge, methods and tools.
Teachers in public and private schools under contract, in general and technical education, from kindergarten to high school, can take part in Erasmus+.
Funding :
The Erasmus+ grant is a financial aid intended to contribute to project costs, but it does not cover them in full. Applications for accredited projects are not qualitatively assessed (this takes place at the time of initial accreditation). The grant awarded is determined according to budget allocation rules and the total budget available. Certain categories of specific expenditure may be financed on the basis of actual costs incurred.
The purposes of Erasmus + mobility are:
• carry out teaching assignments in a European partner school
• training (observation period, participation in a structured course) in a school or other organization active in the field of school education in Europe
There are 3 types of mobility for teachers:
• Observation of educational practices (2 to 60 days)
• Teaching assignments (2 to 365 days)
• Courses and training (2 to 30 days) for all teachers
FGYO: Élysée Prim program
This program, managed by the Franco-German Youth Office (FGYO), is designed for primary school teachers in the public education system. It is part of the policy of the French Ministry of Education and Youth, which is based on the strategy of promoting the learning of the partner's language, developing and diversifying the teaching of modern languages at school, and encouraging the international openness of schools.
How to apply
Duration: one school year, renewable once.
Intended for: teachers with at least two years' seniority at the time of taking up a post in Germany.
Compensation and activities
Teachers remain on active status and are paid for the position they hold. As their position is not declared vacant, all teachers must return to their post in France at the end of the program. Teachers sign a commitment to contribute, on their return, to the development of German language teaching in their department.
The payment of bonuses linked to the exercise of certain functions is suspended during the program school year. For the whole of this school year, teachers receive a temporary expatriation allowance to compensate for travel and accommodation expenses.
Teachers work the same hours as their counterparts in the country concerned, and report to the local education authorities. They may be required to work in several schools.
After a period of adjustment, they may be assigned to activities that complement their teaching of the French language: training German teachers in French, developing teaching materials, or taking part in teaching another subject in French: physical and sports education, music or art education, or working in “Kindergärten”.
• To develop German language teaching in elementary schools, from the first year of primary school (CP) to the second year of middle school (CM2), as well as in nursery schools, particularly within the framework of the Franco-German network of “Élysée” bilingual nursery schools.
• Promote the linguistic and cultural development of candidates who undertake, on their return to France, to take part in activities that contribute to the development of German language teaching.
• Enable French students to benefit from courses taught by German teachers.
• Contribute to the dissemination of French language and culture in Germany.
• Raise awareness of :
• The importance of a mobility experience for all teachers,
• The benefits of prolonged immersion in a neighboring country,
• The richness that exposure to another education system can bring to a professional career.
• To help perpetuate Franco-German friendship and educational cooperation.
Jules Verne international mobility program
The international mobility program is designed for permanent teachers. These teachers are seconded or made available to schools or foundations managing educational establishments abroad. They can also work in other structures such as faculties of education or Alliances Françaises, subject to agreement between their home academy and the host establishment.
The program is open to all tenured primary and secondary school teachers in the public sector, whatever their discipline or field of study. Priority is given to teachers wishing to take part in bilateral educational cooperation projects and enhance their language skills.
Their main mission will be to teach in French. However, in agreement with the teacher concerned and with the French and foreign educational authorities responsible, part of this teaching may be given in a foreign language if it forms part of a specific project that justifies it.
The host countries are chosen by the académies according to their bilateral agreements with the countries concerned. Schools with a French program are not eligible for the Jules Verne program.
Terms, remuneration and status
Duration: one school year, renewable twice after authorization.
Teachers are “placed at the disposal” of foreign countries, and remain in an active position in their home country, or are placed in a secondment position. They are placed under both French and local supervision. They work in the local education system in one or more establishments. They may teach in French or in the local language (depending on their level).
Teachers on secondment continue to receive the remuneration and allowances associated with their grade and profession (except functional allowances). Additional remuneration or assistance in kind may be granted by the host country. Transport costs are borne by the employee. You must find your own accommodation.
On return : Teachers will be reassigned to their academy of origin for secondary school staff, or to their département of origin for primary school staff.
To ensure that your academy benefits fully from this mobility, the academy will take particular care to ensure that, on their return, staff can pass on the benefits of this immersion to the educational community, by facilitating their reinvestment and participation in the development and European and international openness of the education system.
Teachers must draw up a detailed report on their activities. This must be accompanied by a report drawn up by the head of the host establishment on the content of the activities carried out by the teacher. These documents will be forwarded to the Rector of the Académie for the attention of the Director of Human Resources and the Dareic.
Entry requirements
B2 level (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) in the language of the host country or in one of the eight most widely taught languages (English, German, Arabic, Chinese, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian), reinvestment of the knowledge acquired during the immersion year in teaching and participation in the European and international openness of the education system, activity report to be sent to the home academy.